Access system equipment details from anywhere
SmartLabels enable instant access to all equipment information
Create custom equipment procedures
Preventative maintenance tracking and planning
Job planning, task risk assessments, energized work permits

All the mounting space, without the adde depth!
Shallow depth design with industry standard height/width is ideal for low profile applications
First-to-market sizes in industrial grade polycarbonate
10"x8"x3" to 24"x24"x6"
Ideal for electrical control, IIoT, wireless, network communications
NEMA 4X and rated for -40°F to +248°F
Non-conductive continuous temperature monitoring and alarming
High accuracy with calibration required
Up to 15 meter fiberoptic temperature probes - 80kV rated
MODBUS current sensor & ambient temperature probe
EtherNet/IP & MODBUS TCP/IP communication
Connect up to 8 safety devices per SFB including safety light curtains, control panels, safety sensors, solenoid interlocks
Integrated dual-port switch
Parallel transmission of safety signals enabling free linking of safety devices in the contorller
PROFINET/PROFIsafe, Ethernet/IP with CIP Safety, EtherCAT and Safety Over EtherCAT