Preventative Maintenance & Monitoring
Preventative maintenance, enhanced by cutting edge monitoring of machine health and performance, can make a facility more efficient and safer. Identifying and diagnosing failing components and suboptimal performance will help maintenance managers schedule planned shutdowns, avoid catastrophic machine damage, and keep workers safe from unexpected electrical and mechanical failures. And just as important: monitor this information remotely, 24/7.

Maximizing Production & Profits with IIoT
Advanced wireless vibration analysis for critical assets
Continuous non-conductive temperature monitoring for hotspot detection in electrical equipment
Remote monitoring tools and intelligent defect classification
​Continuously monitor equipment with wireless vibration + temperature nodes, detect defects, and predict health on rotating equipment with the GraceSense VBTs. Access and analyze equipment health remotely via WiFi or LTE, receive text message and email alerts/alarms, and integrate into your control system via Ethernet/IP.