Premier offering of IR and Ultrasonic Viewing Windows
Significantly greater FOV than the competition
Lifetime accuracy - Exiscan's unique polymer does not degrade like typical crystal - IR camera recalibration is never required
Durability and Structural Integrity - designed to be stronger than the enclosure they are mounted on
Machined from 1/2" thick bar stock aluminum or stainless steel, all stainless hardware, stainless reinforcing plate, polymer optic for prolonged mechanical integrity​

Top of the line industrial thermal imagers offering up to 1280x1024 IR resolutions, exceptional image quality, and precision
<30mk Thermal Sensitivity
100% sRGB color gamut LCD displays
Cutting-Edge Image Algorithms
Up to 2000 degrees C temperature range
AI-empowered auto-recognition and feature contour mark up
P7Mix AcouTherm combines thermal and acoustic imaging in a single device